Algebraic structures and special functions in theoretical physics

Workshop in honour of Professor Luc Vinet

Ghent University  -   26-30 June 2023


With this workshop we celebrate the achievements of Professor Luc Vinet on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The aim of this informal workshop is to bring together researchers and scientists whose work is close to that of Luc. The meeting will be a forum to exchange ideas and to get inspiration for future work.

Luc Vinet is a leading figure in the field of mathematical physics. He is known for his expertise in Algebraic structures, Special functions and orthogonal polynomials, Theory of quantized fields, Quantum information, Quantum mechanics, Symmetry and conservation laws, Integrable systems and Random processes.

Participation in this workshop is by invitation only.



Nicolas Crampé (Tours)
Hendrik De Bie (Ghent)
Joris Van der Jeugt (Ghent)

Josée Savard (supporting staff, Montreal)


Practical information

The workshop will take place during three days, 27-28-29 June 2023. 26 June is the arrival day, 30 June is the departure day. All activities will take place in a hotel/conference center in the historic center of Ghent:
Information on how to reach the hotel Monasterium Poortackere can be found on their webpage under "location". Travel information is also available here.



Pascal Baseilhac (Tours)
Gabrielle Blanchet (Montreal)
Ismaël Bussière (Montreal)
ébastien Caux (Amsterdam)
Matthias Christandl (Copenhagen)
Nicolas Crampé (Tours)
Hendrik De Bie (Ghent)
Luc Frappat (Annecy)
Julien Gaboriaud (Kyoto)
Hadewijch De Clercq (Ghent)
Jan de Gier (Melbourne)
Krystal Guo (Amsterdam)
Plamen Iliev (Atlanta)
Eric Koelink (Nijmegen)
Tom Koornwinder (Amsterdam)
Alexis Langlois-Rémillard (Ghent)
Luc Lapointe (Talca)
Pan Lian (Ghent & Tianjin)
Hiroshi Miki (Doshisha)
Roy Oste (Ghent)
Gilles Parez (Montreal)
Rodrigo Pimenta (Manituba)

Loïc Poulain d'Andecy (Reims)
Eric Ragoucy (Annecy)
Philippe Ruelle (Louvain)
Yvan Saint-Aubin (Montreal)
Satoshi Tsujimoto (Kyoto)
Walter Van Assche (Leuven)
Joris Van der Jeugt (Ghent)
Luc Vinet (Montreal)
Robert Weston (Edinburgh)
Meri Zaimi (Montreal)
Harmony Zhan (Burnaby)
Xiaohong Zhang (Montreal)



Schedule and titles of the talks.

Cheers from Luc Vinet

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